
13 July 2017

University Life @ MDS UiTM

Assalamualaikum and have a blast day everyone!

So, i should start to create post on my blog seriously and more rajin since i think that i have so many things to share with everyone. Where Should i start?

Alhamdulillah, im finally start my journey as Mahasiswi when i was offered to further my study in Diploma Pengurusan Hotel @ UiTM Terengganu Kampus Dungun. It was what i've been waiting for and im so excited for it! Because the course memang jadi one of my target dah and really want to go for it. Walaupun before this berada dalam aliran sains, but thats not the problem for me to try something new that i think sesuai with my passions.

Its not a big deal when you only have a week to prepare all those documents for registration and settle the other things. I was grateful that my family and friends do support my decision.

So, my new journey begin!!

As UiTM students, you will join your orientation week that named as MDS (Minggu Destini Siswa) nama dia gempak gempak en, bukan beshe beshe ni. And all the facilitators are called as OC (Orientation Committee) which were our seniors too. This MDS was held right before the first week of Ramadan begin. So, its not so tired cause we got to eat. And the highlight was, all the foods were prepared by our own lectures from Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism. I was amazed with their cooks, cause it was so delicious. Serius, tak tipu. Ni sokmo cerita apa kawe rasa kawe best nak share.

This MDS session, was a happening one for me. All the OCs did very well and have make me to give a positive feedback and impression towards them and this UiTM. Despite of all those ragging and seniority cases, i was shocked why some of my friends in other UiTM, didnt managed to go through their MDS well and they felt like their time was wasted. This is why, UiTM Terengganu applied the Students Empowerement concept, and did a revolution when the OCs decided to make a different type of orientation.

Yes, personally for me, it was a victory! They made it happen :) Its different from my past experience. I really appreciate all those susah payah senang that OCs did. Especially, to sacrifice their cuti sem for 2 weeks. Its not an easy decision for everyone okay. Add on, the special part was when the hujan situation, all those OCs memayungkan us sebab there was no area berbumbung to jalan from Dewan to Pusat Hidayah. And also the special Didi &Friends persembahan by OCs, serious said that i was touched. Okay, time OC Siraj menegur dengan keluar bahasa ganu tu pun best part jugak and memang kekal dalam ingatan, plus the mini love given during closing ceremony. Pengarah Projek & his team really did well !

MDS was just a week that fulls of taklimat and registration punya hal. But the OCs managed to add on few slots for them to create a good bond with us. The "Baby Shark" dance really really caught my attention. Besides, taklimat by the Timbalan Rektor HEA & HEP do make me feel the kasih sayang from them as the administration of UiTM. I really mean it. Im glad that im here even though I have to be far away from my family, and also not get along with my cliques anymore that further their study in Selangor& KL area.

A week went well, when we managed to get the information needed and learn how to beli tiket bas and go to bandar by the famous transportation here which is Van Kunyit. It sounds weird, but this is the special one! If you will get the chance to be here, do try it okay. And van kunyit tu serius weh macam keperluan sini. All those pakciks van were very nice too!!!

But at first, it was a big deal when i got to know that this UiTM area was very very big. Masalah lah en bila lamaaa berkarat dekat rumah, dok pi jalan jauh, sampai sini asyik merungut penat je HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I think that i gave shared enough about my MDS experience. I will update my post later on to really share my University Life that has begin. Im so excited to share my story with you guys!

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